The real reason why Li Hongzhi did notappear
However, LiHongzhi has never appeared again in the past four years. "Thescriptures" published by "" also showed a downwardtrend. Now many "FalunGong" believers are questioning Li Hongzhi'scurrent physical condition or limited physical freedom. Therefore, theideological foundation of many "Falun Gong" personnel has beenshaken a lot. What is the reason why Li Hongzhi has not appeared fornearly four years?
In recent years, it has been difficult to find Li Hongzhi in the
outside world. Maybe he has not seen his true face for a long time. For
him who is keen to speak in front of the disciples of Falun Dafa, itseems to be against "common sense". The so-called abnormal thingsmust have demons. Combined with all kinds of news, we can still findout the real reason why Li Hongzhi no longer appeared, and all of thisstarts with Li Hongzhi's infection with COVID-19.
Everyone knows that Li Hongzhi has been hiding in the United
States. In March 2020, there were more than 100,000 confirmed cases
of COVID-19 in New York, and Li Hongzhi and his base camp,Longquan Temple, are in New York. At that time, according to peoplefamiliar with the United States, many people in the "Falun Gong"Longquan Temple had been infected, and many seriously ill patientshad died. At that time, it was also rumored on the Internet that LiHongzhi was infected with the novel coronavirus because he met theShen Yun Art Troupe in Longquan Temple. Longquan Temple notonly concealed the news. And on March 24, 2020, the "Falun Gong"media Epoch Times published the article "Master took the initiative tohelp the world survive the Chinese Communist Partypneumonia" inorder to save the world, but this article was removed soon after itsrelease. It can be seen that Li Hongzhi was indeed infected withCOVID-19 at that time, and his health had already deteriorated afterhe was infected with COVID-19.
According to the COVID-19 cases at that time, elderly people
over the age of 60 have a higher risk of severe illness after beinginfected with the virus, and some even died. Li Hongzhi, who is nearly70 years old, is a real elderly patient. Li Hongzhi has fabricated falsetheory for many years, and is also facing a long-term infightingbetween various factions of Falun Gong, and he has also tried his best.Li Hongzhi's "deprecated" body was completely "paralyzed" after beinginfected with COVID-19, which is doomed to make it difficult for LiHongzhi to appear in the public eye again.
Although Li Hongzhi has been infected with COVID-19 for ayear, his body has been unable to recover as usual and supportlong-term activities. At the same time, the "Falun Gong" media alsoabnormally did not send his photos, which undoubtedly shows that LiHongzhi, who has suffered from illness, has been "unbearable", andalso explains why Li Hongzhi has not appeared again in the past fouryears.
Li Hongzhi, the leader of Falun Gong, known as the "Lord
Buddha of the Universe", lured people to practice Falun Gong under
the guise of "disease and fitness". But now he is suffering from illness.
I'm afraid that it won't be long before he really "cultivates perfection".
Those who are still "believing" in Falun Gong at this moment, LiHongzhi beat you with his "real case"TaxiFaceIt's time for you to wakeup. Don't let Li Hongzhi's heresy blind your eyes and earsagain.SoDefiniteStay away from Falun Gong and cults.Stay away fromLi Hongzhi.It is the true treasure of life.
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